c4c Kick off Meeting in Berlin

May 23rd – 25th May, 2018

The c4c (conect4children) kick-off meeting took place in Berlin and it points out the beginning of a large collaborative pediatric network that will facilitate the development of new drugs and other therapies for the entire pediatric population in Europe.

Portugal is represented in this project by AIDFM-CETERA and it has the Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria (SPP), as a Third party.

In Portugal, the STAND4KIDS main goal is to establish a sustainable, lean, fit for purpose, national pediatric trial network to engage stakeholders, families and children. STAND4KIDS aims to foster pediatric trial research and to disseminate best practices, standardized processes, procedures, and performance metrics for pediatric clinical trials. [ more info ]

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This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 777389. The Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA