COVID-19 – Contingency measures

20 March 2020

The STAND4Kids network, National Hub of the project IMI conect4children, is closely following the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, nationally and internationally. Like you, we have noticed the transversal impact in clinical investigation and health care. At the moment, the priorities focus on the protection of the safety of patients and professionals, and assuring the best and possible reinforcement and alignment with health care needs.

The STAND4Kids team has been working to define its critical activities, and to identify the risks arising from the present situation and how to mitigate their impact, without losing sight of a long-term perspective.

We hereby notice you of the current measures of the contingency plan:

  • The STAND4Kids team is entirely involved in teleworking activities;
  • All the internal and external in-person meetings are suspended, as well as site visits. Nonetheless, we possess infrastructure to conduct meetings remotely, whenever required.
  • All the in-person activities related to work or on-site scientific c4c meetings (within its various activity domain), as well as visits from external sponsors and institutions/investigators are suspended. These should, whenever possible, be conducted by teleconference.
  • Our on-site courses were postponed indefinitely. However, all the training activities from c4c conducted on the online platform will continue.

Our team will continue to work at 100% and our collaborators are entirely available to answer and help you through the usual telephone contacts, e-mail and videoconference or messaging platforms.

The referred measures are in place until new instructions.

Ricardo Fernandes
Project Lead

This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 777389. The Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA