The TREOCAPA study – Paracetamol in Premature Babies – to assess the effectiveness of paracetamol in premature babies with a patent ductus arteriosus – successfully completed the recruitment phase, with 100% of the target achieved: 804 babies in 14 countries!
Portugal was the 5th country with the highest contribution to recruitment, with the inclusion of 30 babies in 3 sites: ULS Lisboa Ocidental, ULS de Santo António and ULS Santa Maria.
We would like to thank Prof. André Mendes da Graça for the national coordination of this study.
This academic study, from the conect4children consortium has the STAND4Kids network as supporting network and CRO CETERA as the CRO/CTU.
Our congratulations to the research teams involved in this study and to the principal investigators for their commitment and dedication!
– ULS Lisboa Ocidental (Principal Investigator: Madalena Lopo Tuna);
– ULS Santa Maria (Principal Investigator: André Mendes da Graça);
– ULS de Santo António (Principal Investigator: Elisa Proença).