
The TREOCAPA study –  Paracetamol in Premature Babies – to assess the effectiveness of paracetamol in premature babies with a patent ductus arteriosus – successfully completed the recruitment phase, with 100% of the target achieved: 804 babies in 14 countries! Portugal was the 5th country with the highest contribution to recruitment, with the inclusion of...
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The STAND4Kids team participated in the General Assembly of the connect4children (c4c) project, which took place from June 4 to 6 in Bergen, Norway. This General Assembly promoted productive discussions around the progress of the project and the future legacy of this consortium as well as the recent developments of the new legal entity c4c-S.
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On 28th May 2024 it was held the STAND4Kids 3rd Progress Meeting, at the Portuguese Society of Pediatrics (SPP) facilities, dedicated to the topic “Networks supporting pediatric trials in Europe“. This meeting was held with a hybrid format with online streaming at the Youtube channel of the Lisbon School of Medicine. This meeting was a...
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Under the International Clinical Trails week, we reinforce our mission and commitment in establishing a sustainable, lean, fit-for-purpose, national pediatric trial network that facilitates high-quality, child/family- and clinically-relevant, operationally efficient pediatric clinical trials in Portugal. The STAND4Kids National Hub for pediatric clinical trials of the conect4children consortium has a national network of 10 research sites...
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Our team attended the 3rd National Meeting on Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation, an initiative promoted by the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation – AICIB – on May 21 in Lisbon. This meeting is a forum for sharing, reflecting and discussing the most current issues in Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation in Portugal,...
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On May 17, Ricardo Fernandes, Project Lead of our STAND4Kids network, participated in the Workshop on “Collaboration between researchers, patients, health professionals, sponsor, academia and the community to strengthen clinical trials”. This Workshop was developed under the Conference “Clinical Trials | Research that gives hope to patients and brings a better life to all”. The...
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The STAND4Kids Project Lead, Ricardo Fernandes presented the topic “Conect4children Stichting(c4c-S) – pan-European paediatric clinical trial network” at the 5th Nordic Conference on Paediatric Medicines, which was held on 14th and 15th May, in Helsinki, Finland. This edition was dedicated to the future of Pediatric and Orphan clinical trials. This conference was organized in a...
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The STAND4Kids Project Lead, Ricardo Fernandes, participated at the c4c Expert Day, which was held on 23rd April, in Brussels, Belgium. The goal of this meeting was to discussed c4c WP4 achievements with break-out sessions on subjects varying from the Pediatric Investigation Plans (PIP) process, and patient and public involvement in trials, to Artificial Intelligence...
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Our special thank you to our colleagues from the In4kids Irish National Hub, that received our team at the conect4children National Hub Fórum, in Cork, Irland! A one day and a half meeting (20-21 March) with great topics and productive discussions on the future sustainability of the national hubs and the progress of the new organization c4c-S.
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Our team visited this month of March, Unidade Local de Saúde Lisboa Ocidental under the scope of our activity STAND4Kids Get Together Tour. The goal of this tour is to visit our network sites to promote future opportunities for collaboration in pediatric clinical research! A special thank you to the team of ULS Lisboa Ocidental for...
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This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 777389. The Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA