
Inês Cabrita
The Epilepsy Week is an initiative from Liga Portuguesa contra a Epilepsia (Portuguese League against Epilepsy) which celebrates 50 years in 2021. During this week, several events took place, such as webinars, workshops and symposia that addressed various epilepsy-related themes. Prof. Doutor Ricardo Fernandes participated in the Webinar “Space for Epilepsy Patients’ Associations” and presented...
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On the 12th March STAND4Kids launched their Sharing Sessions, bimestral meetings with the research centres from its network. We aim at creating an environment where sites/ investigators/ research teams share their experiences and knowledge, to strengthen our network and promote Pediatric Clinical Research in Portugal.
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KD-CAAP is the first investigator driven trial funded by conect4children to have a site activated and to start the patients’ recruitment. KD-CAAP main objective is to  determine whether adding immediate corticosteroid treatment to standard of care (intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and aspirin) will reduce coronary artery aneurysm (CAA) rates in Kawasaki Disease patients. Find more about...
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Enrolment for the 3rd edition of the “Involving Children and Young Patients and Families’ in Designing Clinical Research” c4c Academy course is open until September 22nd. This course is intended to research teams belonging to the STAND4Kids network sites’ and STAND4Kids’ Patient and Public Involvement liaisons. Reach us for more information and registration.
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On the January 21st of 2020, Prof. Mark Truner visited the Portuguese National Hub. We had the opportunity to show all the work that we have done so far, and all that we have already accomplished.
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On the January 20th of 2020, STAND4Kids met with representatives from the sites belonging to this Portuguese Pediatric Clinical Trials Network, at the Portuguese Pediatric Society headquarters, in Lisbon.
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Medical bioengineering students from IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) presented their ideas on how to improve STAND4Kids.
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STAND4Kids, on the December 11th of 2019,  was present at the Research Day, a meeting hosted by the Clinical Research Support Office (GAPIC) from the Lisbon Medical Faculty.
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Between September 24th and 26th of 2019, teams from all the National Hubs met in Amsterdam for another F2F National Hubs meeting. The progress of the project was discussed and the upcoming activities regarding the Proof of Viability Trials were prepared
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This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 777389. The Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA