
We start 2023 with an overview of the last two years of activity of our national network of pediatric trials and with a summary of our initiatives. Check out our highlights with the main activities of STAND4Kids network from 2020 to 2022 towards the to promotion of high quality pediatric clinical trials in Portugal. Download...
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The Epilepsy Week is an initiative from Liga Portuguesa contra a Epilepsia (Portuguese League against Epilepsy) which celebrates 50 years in 2021. During this week, several events took place, such as webinars, workshops and symposia that addressed various epilepsy-related themes. Prof. Doutor Ricardo Fernandes participated in the Webinar “Space for Epilepsy Patients’ Associations” and presented...
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On the 12th March STAND4Kids launched their Sharing Sessions, bimestral meetings with the research centres from its network. We aim at creating an environment where sites/ investigators/ research teams share their experiences and knowledge, to strengthen our network and promote Pediatric Clinical Research in Portugal.
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KD-CAAP is the first investigator driven trial funded by conect4children to have a site activated and to start the patients’ recruitment. KD-CAAP main objective is to  determine whether adding immediate corticosteroid treatment to standard of care (intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and aspirin) will reduce coronary artery aneurysm (CAA) rates in Kawasaki Disease patients. Find more about...
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The 1st STAND4Kids Newsletter is now available. Read it. Download PDF
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STAND4KIds – Supporting Pediatric Trials in Portugal – it’s the national hub from the conect4children consortium (C4C – European Clinical Trials for Children), which is a large collaborative pediatric network that will facilitate the development of new drugs and other therapies for the entire pediatric population in Europe and is financed by the Innovative Medicines...
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On 25 th February took place the F2F meeting with Mark Turner (c4c Scientific Coordinator), Régis Hankard and Carla Owen, at AIDFM-CETERA office. STAND4Kids team was met by representatives from AIDFM (Vaz Carneiro, Vice President), FMUL (Fausto J. Pinto, Dean; and Catarina Pais Silva, European Project Manager) and SPP (André Graça, Treasurer). It was a...
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[ October 24th, 2018 ] In a joint organization between AIDFM-CETERA and SPP, the official launch of STAND4KIDS, the Portuguese national hub for the c4c project, was held on the morning of October 24th at Palácio Estoril Hotel.
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[ September 6th, 2018 ] The first National Hubs (NH) Meeting took place at the INSERM offices in Paris. There was a discussion about the role of NH in the different work packages and the perspectives from all NH represented were covered.
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This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 777389. The Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA